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Butterfinger and Breezy - Mini/Quarter Horse

Basic Info

Number:#  Butterfinger and Breezy
Price: $700   
StatusSold on 2/11/2015
Date Available1/30/2015 to 2/5/2015
Age/Color/Gender0 Years  /    /  
Breed(s)Mini/Quarter Horse  
More Info:http://auctionhorses.net/thread/15445/butterfinger-breezy-mini-quarter-horse
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Butterfinger (Mini) and Breezy were purchased together and are extremely bonded to each other. They are the best of friends and stick together like glue at the lot. Butterfinger is in need of hoofcare and looks like he has been neglected. His weight is good and he moves fine but he will need a farrier. Breezy has a tail that shows she has been turned out for some time, as I suspect they both were. I do not have ages on either of them and they came with no info. Breezy appears to be in overall decent shape but will also need hoofcare and TLC. She is a nice, well put together mare who stands about 15hh. This is an adorable pair who should stay as a pair so they are being sold together. They are both at least halter broke.

Purchasing Information

Deadline: 2/05/15
Location: Sunnyside, WA
Contact: Sabrina 206-250-5115 @ 8am-9pm

Additional Photos